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Mitsubishi WD-60735 HDTV Review

Mitsubishi WD-60735 Review
60" 1080p Microdisplay HDTV, $1599

Mitsubishi WD-60735

Dick De Jong
November 5, 2008
HDTV Solutions


The Mitsubishi WD-60735 is a 60" microdisplay HDTV, which employs an internal DLP-based projector system to display an image on its screen.

Once a major player in the HDTV marketplace, microdisplays or RPTVs, over the last few years, have garnered an ever shrinking percentage of sales, losing ground to LCDs and plasmas. Its major advantage in today's cutthroat environment is its price to size proposition.

For example, you will be hard pressed to find a 60" 1080p plasma within $2000 of the $1599 MSRP of this Mitsubishi. As for LCDs, only a few manufacturers make them over 56" and the price for those TVs can be four times as much as the WD-60735.

Of course, when judging an HDTV, screen size should take a back seat to picture quality. And indeed, the WD-60735 is up to the task by delivering a rich, detailed image that holds up well when projected on its five foot (diagonally) screen.

(Editor's Note: If you really lust after a big, big screen, Mitsubishi produces the 73" WD-73735 and the 65" WD-65735. Both have similar specifications to their smaller sibling and this review can be applied to them also. In addition, Mitsubishi makes a 736 and an 835 series of microdisplays, which have more features than the 735s. Therefore, they should be considered separately.)

Our Star Ratings
Performance: 4.0 4.0 Star Rating
The video performance of the WD-60735 was usually up to the challenge supplied by a 60" screen. Colors were vibrant and the detail is remarkable. Occasionally, the darker grays were crushed to black. The audio quality is sufficient for football watching. I would substitute a dedicated surround sound system for home theaters.
Features: 4.5 4.5 Star Rating
Mitsubishi provides adequate connections. I like the added USB port for uploading photos, though the interface could be better. If you like to tweak your picture, subtract a half point because the tool set is limited.

Ease of Use: 4.5 4.5 Star Rating
If you don't plan on performing an accurate calibration, then this TV is easy to use. Just pick a default Picture Mode and sit back and enjoy the big screen.
Value: 4.5 4.5 Star Rating
I've seen the WD-60735 on sale for very enticing prices. You simply cannot find an LCD or plasma near this size for anywhere near this price. Microdisplays' price to size proposition is compelling.
Star Ratings Description
Ratings are relative to when the review was written. The obvious example is Value, what you could purchase for $2000 two years ago or even two months ago would seem like a bad value for that price now. We have given only a precious few 5 Star ratings, which we reserve for truly outstanding accomplishment.

Out of the Box

The DLP projector inside the WD-60735 needs some breathing space to cast a 60" image. I'm amazed that it can perform its magic in a cabinet that is only 14" deep. But for many design conscious aesthetes, even that's about a foot too much.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

As a tradeoff for its rather bulbous behind, the WD-60735 provides a surprising weight advantage over those lean LCDs and plasmas. This 60" Mitsubishi tips the scales at a featherweight 64 pounds, about half of what a comparably sized LCD might weigh. If you are one of the crew lugging this set around, that's a major difference.

The proper placement of a microdisplay is particularly important if you want an optimum viewing experience. That became apparent when I was reviewing the WD-60735 in our testing facility.

Even though a separate base was shipped with it, we decided to set the TV on one of our 30" high tables. When sitting in an office chair, my eye line was below the center of the screen.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

The image was fine, but when I raised my head up to the midpoint, the picture was noticeably brighter with better light diffusion across the screen.

My quick solution was to tilt the back of the TV up so that the screen would be perpendicular to my eye line. A more permanent and elegant remedy would be to purchase the base or to adjust your seating height to match the TV.

With an .8" matte black bezel, the front of the WD-60735 is dominated by the screen, which has a faint, dull reflective quality. Centered below the screen, under a flip down door, are the operational buttons (Power, Channel, Volume) and a set of Component Inputs, with matching stereo Audio Ins. Also, Mitsubishi supplies a USB port for uploading still images into the TV.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

The back connection panel contains all the rest of the usual gang, three HDMIs with one matching stereo Audio In, two more Components (YPbPr) with Audio Ins, one Composite with an Audio In, an S-Video, one stereo analog Audio Out, and one digital Audio Out.

The two RF antenna connectors link to integrated NTSC/ATSC/QAM tuners. Since the tuner system is Clear QAM compatible, you can attach your cable TV signal directly into the RF connector and tune in unscrambled cable stations.

For those concerned about the DTV transition coming up, the ATSC tuner is the key. With the proper antenna, you will be able to tune in digital signals broadcast over the air.

Somewhat surprisingly with two antenna inputs, the WD-60735 does not have a Picture-in-Picture feature. Also, there is no Ethernet port to link the TV to the Internet or your home computer network.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

Speaking of computers, the connection panel omits a VGA port. If you wish to attach to the TV, your computer's video card will need to have a DVI or HDMI out, which you will cable into one of the TV's HDMI inputs.

The special extra on the back panel is labeled 3D Glasses Emitter. All of Mitsubishi's DLP HDTVs are capable of playing back 3D content. They have been for over a year. The problem is the availability of playback devices.

Currently, there is no commercial 3D DVD player. Right now, you need to play the 3D program from a PC, which is connected to the TV. You activate a 3D setting in the menu and attach the 3D emitter to communicate with the special 3D shutter glasses. We're not talking about those funky cardboard kind with green and red plastic lenses.

At conventions, I have seen examples of 3D programs displayed on DLP TVs. The crowd is always enthusiastic. I assume we will see more playback options in 2009, especially as Disney and others are committed to producing more 3D movies.

Mitsubishi WD-60735 Remote

On the 2D still image front, the TV's Photo Viewer leaves plenty of room for improvement. I like the front panel access to the USB port, but the options for image playback are limited.

While other TVs offer interval times between slides down to one second, the fastest on this model is 15 seconds. And it jumps to 30 seconds, then 1, 2 and 5 minutes. The only transition is a slow Wipe down. Also, I couldn't find a way of adjusting the picture when in Photo mode.

The remote control is a boxy, utilitarian instrument with good sized buttons. The middle section of the remote glows red when any button is pushed. I would have preferred more direct access to the input sources.

Power Consumption

Our process of measuring the power consumption of our review units is straightforward. We plug the TV into a watt meter, called Watts up? Pro, and take a simple sampling of readings during the playback of a full screen video clip.

The first measurement is at the TV's default picture setting, which is often some form of Vivid. With the WD-60735, it's called Brilliant. This reading ranged from 216 to 219W. Mitsubishi's manual states power consumption at 265W.

This is the first microdisplay that we have measured and I was surprised to see a similarity between Brilliant and our next reading, which is taken after we adjust the picture to our preference. Even though this is a much less bright image than Brilliant, the power consumption was the same.

Both of those readings were with the Light setting at Standard. When we changed that to Bright, the power consumption rose to the 242 to 243W range.

Finally, we turn off the TV and measure how much power it is using. The WD-60735 offers a Fast Power On and a Low Power mode.

If you activate Fast Power On and turn on the TV, it takes about eight seconds to display a picture and about another eight to reach full brightness. From Low Power, you will wait almost 45 to 50 seconds before the image appears. Though that seems to vary depending on how long the TV had been turned off.

The power consumption readings when the TV was off also fluctuated. If Fast Power On was selected and the TV was switched Off, the power reading dropped in steps. For the first 20 seconds or so, the meter would hover at 119W and then down to 28 and then 24 and finally resting at 15W.

With Low Power chosen, we saw a similar step down pattern, but the power eventually dropped to 1 or 2W.


To calibrate the microdisplay, we use the the Blu-ray version of the Digital Video Essentials DVD called HD Basics. We are playing the DVD on a Pioneer BDP-94HD Blu-ray player connected to the HDTV with an HDMI cable.

We use the test patterns to adjust black level, white level, and color bias. The player is set to output a 1080p signal, which is the native resolution of the WD-60735.

To begin, I followed my usual pre-calibration routine. First, I choose a Picture Mode that is not vivid. With this Mitsubishi, the choices are Brilliant, Game, Bright, and Natural. I picked Natural which is the least vivid.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

If this were an LCD, I would then turn down the Backlight, which a microdisplay does not have. The comparable setting is labeled Lamp Mode, with two options, Standard and Bright.

The manual states, "Standard is for most viewing conditions and may extend lamp life by using lower wattage." Sounds like a winner to me.

Finally, I set the Color Temperature. With only two choices, High and Low, I felt like Goldilocks. High was too cool blue and Low was too warm red. I wanted the porridge that was just neutrally right. Alas, I settled for High.

With those tasks completed, I work through the test patterns. The default setting for Brightness was good. The default for Contrast was pushed to the maximum, which always gives me pause. Why create a default where there is no wiggle room in both directions? For my own sense of order, I dropped Contrast a few notches down from maximum.

When it came to adjusting to the Color Bars pattern, I had a hell of a time. I tried playing with the basic Tint (Hue) and Color (Saturation) controls and then moved on to the more refined Perfect Color feature. I never did achieve a satisfactory result when looking through my color filters card.

I finally capitulated to Plan B. I put the test patterns away and started eyeballing actual footage. I'm happy to report that the default settings, with a slight boost in Color (Saturation), produced a perfectly satisfactory picture.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

At this screen size, the detail is wonderful. The Sharpness control defaults to the middle of the slider. I noticed that if you drop it lower, the image will soften.

If you are a real tweaker, the WD-60735 does not supply the type of fine tuning controls that would satisfy you. I suggest looking at the 736 or 835 series from Mitsubishi.


After surviving the setup mini-ordeal, I turned to the more enjoyable pursuit of watching a variety of content from a range of sources.

Let's begin with one of the main reasons to buy a big screen like this 60" WD-60735, football. The colors are great and the detail is only limited by the source. You definitely want an HD channel to reap the full benefits of the TV.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

Let me mention two drawbacks to a five foot image. First, almost all broadcast football games that I have seen display artifacts, often blockiness in fast moving scenes. I attribute these to the network and not the TV, but at 60", the artifacts are more visible. (This is also painfully true with the blemishes inherent in standard definition programs.)

Second, I like big screens because they can intimately involve you in the action. Of course when your alma mater loses on a last second touchdown pass, you may wish you were watching on your iPhone.

If you are planning a football party, consider the viewing angle when placing the chairs. The farther one sits off angle, the darker the image. This includes up and down off angle as well as side to side. If it's a big crowd, you can accommodate more of them in the optimum viewing angle by seating people in rows.

My best experience watching this TV came when I was sampling Blu-ray movies. I popped in the new Blu-ray release of Die Another Day with Pierce Brosnan as James Bond and the incandescent Halle Berry.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

After nodding my approval for the color rendition, I became immersed in the movie only to be yanked back to reality by a telephone call. I credit that experience to three factors, the movie, the picture quality, and the screen size. You will have to supply the first, the WD-60735 will provide the latter two.

Now, I did notice that the blacks were crushed occasionally, which erased detail in what would have been dark grays. Also, don't expect this RPTV (rear projector TV) to render deep rich black levels.

As for audio, that extra cabinet space seems to give the sound a little reverb and more body. The quality is just fine for a big game. If you are thinking home theater, then treat your ears to a dedicated audio system. The pair of integrated 10W speakers do not do justice to this big screen performance.


Any discussion of the WD-60735 begins with its 60" display. But a screen that size requires picture quality to match, and this microdisplay does not disappoint by producing a colorful, detailed image.

Mitsubishi WD-60735

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Reader Comments

Posted Nov 11, 2015 5:06:04 PM

By Doreen Rhodes

Bought the WD-60735 DLP 60" back in 2009 and have been very happy with it ever since. The past month or so, black dots are appearing on the screen. At first I thought there were flies on my TV but it ended up being the dots that don't move or go away. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it?

Posted Nov 5, 2012 2:29:07 PM

By Marius Palange

I have owned one of these since December of 2008. Very good pic nice to watch...here comes the but and it's a BIG one. Doesn't matter how good picture is if you can't watch it. This tv is broken ALL the time, if it's not the bulb, it's the ballast board, or the lamp door switch or the main board. The list goes on. Worst piece of electronics I've ever bought and I'm almost sixty years old. Buy something else, this is a money pit. I have owned Mitsubishi tv's for over thirty years and will not buy another. This one has left a very bad Mitsubishi taste and I will buy something else to replace it. But not from Mitsubishi...

Posted Oct 1, 2012 11:14:03 AM

By John Hayman

Yep, this TV was great for 3 1/2 years. Now I have the dreaded picture flicker, TV turns off, red light syndrome. The bulb is fine. Mitsubishi has not responded to any requests for assistance. I'm done with it, and them. What kind of a deal is a television that lasts three years? Of course while they lost the class action lawsuit, the wd60735 wasn't on the list. Good thing I have a 25 year old 30 inch Sony Trinitron that still works perfectly......

Posted Jul 13, 2011 1:29:13 PM

By Brian lee

I bought this tv january 2009. My bulb just blew last week. I went to a local TV repair shop and bought the part. They have bulbs on line for $99. I found those are aftermarket bulbs not original manufacturers. They are OEM certified but I wanted something from the manufacturer, didnt want to wait a week, and not pay $50 for next day air. I paid $140 got bulb same day and the guy replaced the housing and bulb. I don't think my TV ever looked as good me and my family were in awe of how good it looked. Guy at shop said they came out with new improved bulb since they had many probs With first. Samsung lcd 47 in bedroom is a lil brighter, only difference I see in HD/blue ray. Love this t.v.

Posted Jan 27, 2011 8:53:18 PM

By Mike

I have a question. If I buy oh say a Sony 3d tv with the glasses, will my $150 glasses work if I take them to a friends house who has another brand 3d tv like a Mitsubishi? Thanks, Mike

Posted May 21, 2010 4:20:46 PM


please help me to calibrate the convergence for my BIG SCREEN WS-55809 MITSUBISHI (old model), I know how to do it but aparently I couldnt save the changes, please tell me how save it

Posted Mar 23, 2010 11:39:56 PM

By Shawn

I bought the WD-65C9 and sent it back to Dell. Dell was really nice about it and UPS arrived the next day to pick it up. I must be a leprechaun because I'm guessing the problem I had was the rainbow issue. All the whites were shimmery like artifacts that sparkled & the blue skies did the same thing. I just couldn't calibrate those rainbow things away. I hated to send it back because it has a fantastic picture. I wish it was an LCD RPTV because I really like the new LCD projectors that are available. Maybe when the new LaserVue HD's are affordable I'll look into them. For now though, 720 plasma I guess.

Posted Mar 16, 2010 2:27:55 PM

By James Walker

It's great! If you want a 60" TV and price is important you can't beat this TV. It's the first projection TV I've seen that comes close to LCD picture quality. I've had mine for over a year and still love the quality of picture in HD.

Posted Jul 19, 2009 7:27:26 PM

By Khoa Nguyen

I just bought this T.V. and it is PERFECT!! Grade A++ in every way. I did hook up my surround sound to it and it makes it 10 times better. the stock speakers arent too great. but 1080p picture is amazing. i reccomend this t.v. Iv'e had Sony, samsung, sylvania and phillips. This is by far the best. I think it compares with the Sony Bravia! its great

Posted Mar 17, 2009 9:38:58 AM

By Dick De Jong


This whole 3D issue can be confusing.

Let's start at the beginning. First you need 3D content, which means in this case, movies or games that were specifically made for 3D viewing.

Next, you need a playback device that sends the proper 3D signal information to a 3D capable TV like this Mitsubishi. Since right now, there are no DVD players that can send a 3D signal, you need to play the 3D content from a PC (usually from its internal DVD player).

The process still won't work unless your computer has a video card that can handle the 3D information. If you have the right card, then you send its output to the TV. (Which again, needs to be 3D capable. Not all TVs are 3D capable, most are not.)

A TV like this Mitsubishi will display the 3D content on its screen. If you are not wearing the proper 3D glasses, the images will look funky.

On the back of the Mitsubishi is an output to the 3D emitter that comes with the 3D shutter glasses. This signal simply tells the glasses when to click on and off, which makes the image on the TV look 3D.

I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Posted Mar 17, 2009 4:45:04 AM

By Juan

I would like to get more information about these 3d features. There are some confusions ( maybe I am confused)

The 3d is to convert the 2D viewing to 3D or a computer is needed with the NVidia card?

Will the emitters and the glasses will do the trick to 3D?

Posted Feb 9, 2009 10:48:05 AM

By Simon

I have an HTPC running my Mits WD-60735 in our basement. I have Tridef installed and the emitter and glasses. The TV is awesome. As soon as we started watching movies everyone in the house was in awe. I purchased the geek squad black tie warrantee so they come change my lamp or fix any problems. The colors are awesome and I would take this TV over any 50 in LCD or pixilated plasma.

Posted Jan 17, 2009 12:53:58 PM

By Dave Beal

Mitsubishi has a very very poor record for service, and in particular for DLP projection. When it works the picture is good, but when you have a problem plan on watching that 13" in the kitchen for 6 weeks at a time, and a company who could care less. The Samsung is a much better made television, roughly the same price, and a better picture. But a Panasonic Plasma is still the best picture you can buy, hands down. Anyone telling you different doesn't now what they are talking about. I've been custom installing electronics for 30 years. I don't have a dog in the fight, but I do have the experience and knowledge to know the $100 dollars you save or extra 5" of picture you get on this bargain tv will cost you in the long run. BTW there is a class action lawsuit filed against Mits for some of their previous models. Google it, you'll be horrified.

Posted Dec 14, 2008 12:52:42 PM

By michael

i recently got a mitsubishi 60 in dlp tv from a rent to own place. i absolutely fell in love with it! ive had big screen tvs before but this set blows them away. very true crisp bright picture, the built in sound isnt great, but it should be hooked to a home theater sound system and the sound really comes alive!!!! id recommend this tv!!!!

Posted Nov 19, 2008 2:35:31 PM

By Steven Felix

I've been reading and researching different facts, opinions and reviews regarding this TV and this review BY FAR is the best. AMAZING JOB..
(09/26/24 - 03:16 PM PST)
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